Your Support Makes a Difference
Did you know?
- Your donation to us is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
- The support of our individual donors is critical. Our donors are our collaborators and partners — the resources you contribute help us to keep on producing relevant and engaging theatre experiences.
- Less than half of Riverside Theatre’s expenses are covered by ticket sales.
Riverside Theatre could not continue to produce professional theatre in Iowa City without the support of individual donations from patrons like you! Every single gift has a major impact on the work we do.
About Riverside Theatre
Riverside Theatre is a professional theatre that connects artists and audiences through intimate, engaging, and provocative productions from the classics to new works, and provides an artistic home for regional theatre professionals.
Riverside Theatre was founded by Ron Clark, Jody Hovland and Bruce Wheaton in 1981 and is now in its 42nd season.
From September through April we produce a full season of work at our downtown pedmall location. In June and July, we produce a summer season centered around the classics.
We are affiliated with Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States, employing actors and designers from all over the country and provide housing, salary, and transportation to visiting actors and directors during their employment at Riverside.
As a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization, we’re largely supported by contributors—50% of our income comes from contributions and sponsorships. We employ a year-round staff of seven, and within each season we employ over 100 artists. Riverside Theatre is governed by a volunteer board of directors.